Making a splash for Swimathon 2023 pattern sheet

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The whale glides effortlessly through the water, leaving ripples behind it, creating a splash and spray as it goes. The pattern created for Swimathon 2023 will give a donation for every pattern sold to raise money for the charities supported by the Swimathon foundation and to raise awareness of the swimmers taking part throughout the UK.

The pattern sheet price will donate £2 from every sale to Swimathon 2023, and every Ready to work pattern will donate £5. 

The pattern uses approximately 80 pairs of bobbins, using Presencia Finca 60 (or equivalent) for the main thread, and contrasting colours in Coats cotton - whale with workers in shade 7041, ripples at the back of the whale in 3432, and splashes in 5641. Additionally the spray from the whale uses Madeira Cotona shade 509 Amazone. (left over from previous Swimathon patterns)

This is for the pattern sheet only. 

How to start designing in bobbin lace ( This bookmark features in my YouTube video on 'How to start Designing in Bobbin Lace'